Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Rules for How to Text Your Crush

Want to text the guy or girl you like, but not sure what sort of message to send - or how many texts is too much? Play it safe and follow these rules for how to text your crush the right way.
1. Text Your Crush a Simple Question

If you want your crush to reply to your text, you'll have to give him or her a reason to reply in the first place. Ask a simple question about what they're is up to, or ask something related to a conversation you had recently (like, "How's that Spanish homework coming along?").

2. Don't Wait by the Phone

If your crush texts you back, that's great - but there's nothing you can do to make it happen sooner. In the meantime, occupy yourself with another activity so you don't feel compelled to pick up the phone again.
3. Don't Text Your Crush Twice in a Row

Once you send a text, don't send another one till you hear back. Two (or more) messages in a row can come off as desperate, especially if you're sending them to someone who isn't already a close friend.
4. Keep the Conversation Going...to a Point

Hopefully, your crush will respond to your text. Get the conversation going by replying, and see where it leads you. But don't keep things rolling just because. If you notice him or her responding with lots of one-word answers, or if more and more time passes between texts, then hold off for the night. Your crush is sending you signals that it's time for the conversation to be over.
5. Follow Up in Person

Texting is great because it's low-pressure and not too nerve-wracking, but relationships can't be built on text messages alone. Next time you see your crush in person, go up to him or her and continue your conversation face-to-face.
6. Look for This Big Sign That They're Not Interested

Are you always the one who texts your crush first - does he or she never start a conversation or text you out of the blue? That's a sign that your crush might just be texting you out of boredom or politeness and doesn't think of you when you're not around. Hold off on the texts for a couple of days. If you don't hear back, you're probably better off without them.

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